


   Our mission:

· Understanding of your needs

· Experience in their realization

· The quality of the realization and their price
















The field of activity of our company includes services supporting the industrial production. Mainly:

· Making installations supplying productive facilities media (electricity supply, compressed air, ice water, chemistry, process gasses and others)

· Preparing and assemblies of steel constructions and the modernization of already existing constructions.

· Transfers and relocations of machines, devices and complete production lines along with the instrumentation.

· Assemblies and disassembly of production lines

· The lease of employees and the technical support

· Service works

IME Sp. z o.o. is holding experienced and trained staff on the level of mechanical engineers, electricians and welders with suitable entitlements, guaranteeing appropriate and the highest level of offered services .

Having above on the attention, warmly we are inviting to establish with us the cooperation. Our full willingness of the help in preparing and conducting transfers of machines and of devices, inspections of production lines, their repairs and the modernization, all works within the machine infrastructure of your plant.



IME Sp. z o.o.

Trade office :

· Poland ; 44-100 Gliwice ul. Jasna 11

· NIP: 6312618109; KRS:  0000363085

· ING Bank Śląski S.A. O/ Gliwice   

· PL 02 1050 1298 1000 0023 5167 8772

· E-mail:

Secretary office

· +48 667-90-4757


· +48 665–59-4757

Technical section

· +48 693-57-4757

IME Sp. z o.o.

Production :

· Poland ; 44-100 Gliwice ul. Wiejska 7


Past experience:

Copyright ©  IME Sp. z o.o. 2015 r.
